Alcalá 1984
SPONSORS Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Cooke Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Crump The Mike Delaney Family Mr. I, Mrs. Clemens F. Kllnger Shay McConv/1/e Mr. I, Mrs. John F. MIiier The Family of John H. Parker Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Rubeck Mary T. Simon
PATRONS Mr. & Mrs. David Abbatangelo Mr. & Mrs. Sam A. Lavorato Mr. & Mrs. David Lincoln Mr. & Mrs. Henry B. Wesseln The Jay Smith Family
Good Luck to the Class of 1 84 -
The Newnhams
Congratulations -
The John N. McCord Family
Joanne: Congratulations -
Love, Mom and Dad
John and Jean Broussard with love - Love, Mom Lady To"e"as . . . This Bud's for you/ - Good Luck Jey -
for Usa
Bud Stanbra
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