Alcalá 1984
FACULTY FORUM Faculty Forum I• a •ucce••tul
•fH'le• of •,.,,.,.t/ la· cu/fy dl•cu••lon•. TheH forum• occu"ed every oth, er Tue•day night at the MIH/on Cro••road• and pro. vlded an Informal but very /nten,•ttng port of the education •Y•tem here at USO. All •tudent• are /nvff. ed to join In on dl•cu••lon• varying from politic• to financial aid, a• well a• to ~ t to know your t.ach• er• bf,ffer.
Some Po/It/cal Science faculty a t work.
Dr. Dr/nan giving hi• view• on lntemattona/ politic•
Dr. Oddo and students dl•cuHlng th11 futur11 of th11 world
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