Alcalá 1984


Suzie Gem The newly appointed position, held by Suzie Gern, represents the Greek System at all Senate meetings. Suzie presented events sponsered by the Greek Orga– nizations on campus to the Senate such as the Annual Day on the Bay Jazz Fest, rushes, dances, and activi– ties during Orientation. The Greek System provided activities for all USO students to enjoy.


Ray Hart This year llay Hart was appointed the po•I· tlon of Seminary llepresentatlve. The position 11 responslblle to serve a• a 1/ason between the members of the Seminary and the ASB. He at– tends WHklymHtlng• of the senate andplays an Important role In getting the voice of the Seminarians heard. He also help• In the pro– gramming of events held by the Seminarians such as the ASS/Seminary dinner and other events sponsered by the Seminarians.


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