Alcalá 1982
The Movimento Estudiantil Chicano de Atzlan is an organization of concerned stu dents dedicated to the betterment of all Chi- canos. MECHAstrives for unity andunder standing among Chicano students at all lev els: Social, cultural, political and education al. USD MECHA sponsors and actively par ticipates in on campus and off campus fun draisers, political rallies, conferences and dances. Affiliation with San Diego MECHA CENTRAL allows USD MECHA to broaden it's horizonand developa greater awareness of the San Diego community through partici pation in local, state and nation-wide confer ences.
Bottom left to right: Melamc S. ROM .Roh Noriega. Mary Alexander. Kathleen Roskell. Madeline Ru**o Middle row left toright Heather pron. Tatiana Jimenez, Julie Roth. JenniferKovaUkv. I.aura l.eon. Greg Bart, KarenWill*. Jasmin Saidi, Nelly Knglund.Eva Saton. Maria D z. Mary Becker. Todd Flore*. Third row left to right Monica Sypien. Jo*eph Mularky. Ann Nolan. Sheila Newell. There*a Stremlau. Greg Deno. Chri* Bu*hhou*en. l«ouis Canchola. Mike McGuire.Robert Hillier Top row left to right:Veronica I'latt. Tom Burke. DonnaHaff. RickHoward. Robert Fra*carelli. Cara Chi*lett. Lauren Walker.
Sitting leftto right: Marc Yaffee,Rodrigo Valdivia, Robert Carrillo Kneeling left to right: Maria Diaz, Janina Flores, Lourdes Esquer, Sherry Smith. Standing left to right: Dr. J. Marambio,Maria Rico, Emily Martinez, Rebecca Gomez.
Model United Nations is a club designed to simulate the United Nations at the uni versity level. A conference is held annually, at which each university represents a spe cific country in the General Assembly and other U.N. committees. Debating nu merous topics (Diplomatical ly) to pass resolutions, re quires research into current political affairs, specifically those of interest to the coun try represented. Typical di plomatic "cocktail parties" ensue in the evenings for continued discussion of the issues and for informal lob bying for support of resolu tions. M.U.N, is an organization designed to make Interna tional Relations and Politi cal Science majors aware of the inner working of the UN., and to teach them de bate, research and diplomat ic skills.
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