Alcalá 1979


Alpha Epsil on Del ta is an international honor society for those pursuing careers in the health professions. It functions quite similar to the Amoeba, changing its shape as it engulfs new members with interests in the health sciences. Uniting as one cell encourages excellence in pre– medical scholarship, stimulates an appreciation of the importance of

pre-medical education and promotes cooperation and contacts among pre– medical, medical and allied health students and educators. This energetic

Vice President Greg Martin, Secretary Don Trotter, Social Chairperson Chris Chapman, Treasurer Mike Devereaux and Historian Monica Weiss. Now, if the words of Alpha Epsilon Delta do not permeate your memory, just recall AED (Amoebae Even Do-it).

organism also provides practice exams, peer counseling, guest

speakers, tours, and other activities to aid students in their pursuit of goals. The nucleus of this educational cell consists of the president Helen Burke,

STANDING BACK ROW L-R: Mr. Ed Wa rren, Faculty Advisor, Tom Smith, Beverly Lindsay, Helen Burke, Marcella T eran, Noel Baker, Virginia McDonald, Patrick Ba rry. STA DI G 2N D ROW L-R: Dr. Carol Baker, Faculty Advisor, J . Andrews, Shawn Jackson, Dia ne Ba rry, Flora Atkins, Martha Goettc, Vicki Haas, Geoff Coster. SITTING: Ma rtha Rietow, Susan Shook, Cleta Romero, Kim Jacobs.


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