Alcalá 1975
Tom Vasile, Tony Anthenill, Chuck LiMandri—Chairman, Terri Ketchum, Ramona McGee, Greg Chambers
Watergate Committee Chairman, one of Congress's top Con stitutional Law experts. "WHO KILLED JFK?" An incredible program inc luding hundreds o f rare slides, suppressed f ilms and diagrams of the assassination unseen by the Warren Commission. A verbal and visual explanation of the discoveries made i n the past 10 years, revealing incontrovert- ibly that the President was killed by a conspiracy and offering many hi nts as to who was responsible. WILLIAM F. BUCKLEY, JR. Nationally known author/editor, famous for h is witty and acerbic commentaries on curren t events. JEANE DIXON World famous for her predictions about famous people and in ternational events. GEORGE PLIMPTON Adventurer, writer, and world famous pro fessional amateur.
March 10
March 19
April 10
May 1
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