Alcalá 1961


The pu rp os eof the Science Club is to pr omot ethe in ter ­ est s of science amongit s memb ers . SanDiego has renown ed sci entis tsvis iti ngits educat ionalcente rseach year as we ll as a number in res idence .Las t yea r memb ershad the pr iv ile ge of he ar ingNob el Pr ize winne rs in phy sical chemi stry,bio­ chemist ry,an d gene tic s.Theclub keeps its memb ers poste d on loca l science progra ms, en cour ag es at tend an ce ,and br ingsas man y as pos sible to the coll eg e.The clu b alsohe lps its memb ers to kee p up wi th cu rr en tscie ntif ic jou rna ls by pa ne l discus sions at thei r mee tin gsan d by askin g st ud en ts in th e phyic aland lif escie nce clas ses to pe rfo rmdemo ns tra ­ tion expe rim en ts. A very impo rta ntfunc tio nof the clu b is to he lp science majo rs dis cov er the pa rti cu lar vocat ion in wh ich they can ma ke the gr ea testco nt ribu tio n. Tours and pe rso na lconta cts with scie ntif icin st itu tio ns ar e ar ra ng ed ; fe llows hip s,gr an ts and scho lar sh ips are inve sti ga ted . Thisyear the officers wer e: Joy ce Law son ,vice pr es iden t; Mar th aFi orin o,pr es iden t; Jud y Turle y, tre asurer ; and Ge or ­ gi a Be ch ler ,sec retary . The ywor ke dwith Moth erFa rre nsas mod er at or . In the pi ct ureabove the y are demon str at ing the use of the War bu rgap pa ra tu s.At the righ t, D r. Ch ris ten - sen is checkin gthe wo rk of Ju dy Tur le yand An n McGo w- an , as they wo rk ou t a pro blem in Ce llu larPhysi ology .


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