Alcalá 1960

Li nd a Haywa rd ,Eu ge niaSt an ke r,Mot he rC. McSh ane,Eliza be thCahill ,Lo lita Rave nto s,and Mar ­ ga ri taZe lay awor ki ngon ve stm en ts.

De cem be r 8th , 1959, Mary Ka yKah noffers he r g if t o Our La dy.

Be lievingthat "you shall reap wh at you sow, " the Tabe r­ nacle Soc iety sews vestm ents and reap s the sa tis fac tionof he lp in gpri est sin ne ed .Thegro upof int ere ste dvo lunt ee rs wa s organi zedin Ma rch , 1958, at the suggestion of Mer e Lamb in. Under the guid an ceof Mot he rMcSha ne the st ud en tsbe­ ga n Ca tho lic Ac tion with thei r nee dle s.Th is yea r a spec ial proje ct was the compl et ionof a Bened icti onset to pr es en t Mot her Danz at Ch ris tmastime. Sever al sets of Mass vest ­ men ts hav e also come from th e busy fingers of the Monday af te rnoo nsew ingcir cle.

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