Alcalá 1956
Skating Rink. Class officers — Virginia Rausch, Ann Dyer, Jean Fea therstone, and Mary Lee Wible — with class counselor, Mothe r Susan Campbell, began planning anothe r full year for the class of '58. An e vening picnic, heldOctober 15 at Pepper Grove in Balboa Park, provided an opportunity for sophomores and thei r dates to demonst rate outdoor cooking skill. With the approach of the holiday season , the class once more gathered at Arlene Glenn's home for a buffet supper following the tradi tion Chri st
mas pageant. The New Year brou ght resolutions for big ger andbetter class reunions. Patricia McNair was the first to make these dreams come true. The weekend following the annua l retreat, she invited all her classmates for two days of snow-filled fun at Crestline in the San Bernar dino Mountains. All atten tion and talents were then focused on Sophomore Serenades and the BAL DES FLEURS, the annual events which the Sophomores sponsor as a final tribute to the graduatingclass.
Caro l T ru xa w, Cec ile Ra inier, Ann e Ag ge ler , MaryBo rba ,Rose Mar ie Ghio
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