Alcalá 1956

MARY LOUISE TU RN ER , M. 201 East Stocker Street, Glendale, California Mayfield, Pasadena, California

aff air swe re a suc ces sbe ca us e ofhe r pe rvad ­ ing cha rm ; our po sters andsp iri tualbo uq ue ts ha ve nearl y all been ha llm arked by th e "T ur ne r tou ch".

From he r first day at SD CWMary'swi nn ing smile and ar tis ticha nd hav e been indi sp en ­ sable ass ets to campu slif e. No stag e cr ew could ha ve fu nc tio ne dwith ou t he r; soc ial

Majo r: Soc iology Mino r: Ed uc at ion

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