Alcalá 1956
Hostess Committee Inaugura ted for gracious greetings, the Hostess Committeeaims at enter tainingvisi tors at the college in order tha t their stay may be enjoyed and remembered. Meetingon the average ofo nce amonth, the group discusses appropri ateplans for expected guests. Col lege or senior high school visitors tour the campus and engage in cu rrent college activi ties. Highlight ing the ir visit, the Hostess Commit te sponsors a dance, tea , or tour of San Diego in hon or of the guests. For events such as major drama productions, or special programs, members of the Committeeact as official hostesses for the college.
Welfare Committee This commi ttee was established by the Cons titution of t he Associated Student Body under the chairmanship of the Studen t Body President for the purpose of cari ng for the interest of individual students, studen ts in general, and the college as a whole. Such a task involves the preservation of high stand ards of Christ ian conduct, dress, and order. The wise and loving over-all guidance of Reverend Mother Rosalie Hill and the ofter repeated conviction of San Diego 's beloved Bishop has been the constan t inspiration of
the organ ization — "We have agrea t work to do, and we cannot come down!" Th e membership ofthe commit tee consists of its c hairman and as many semesterlyproc tors as the re are campus-areas to be proc- tored. These proctors are chosen by the chair man in consultation with the faculty moder ator, andthey are drawn fromall four classes. Responsibilities are shared by resident and day students. Weekly proctors areappointed by the semes terly proctors.
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