ADS Capstone Chronicles Revised
Figure 13 Random Forest Classification Matrix
5.2 Dashboard in PowerBI APowerBIdashboardwascreatedtoenable users and healthcare providers to interact with data related to adverse drug effects. Thedashboarddynamicallydisplaysvarious metrics, including the number of adverse event reports, patient sex distribution, patient age distribution, outcome severity levels, observed reactions, reaction counts, and reaction proportions reported (Figure 15). 5.2.1 Microsoft PowerQuery DatawasloadedintoPowerBIusingPower Query Editor.Datafromthe adverse_events table and patient_drugs tablein pharma_db were uploaded as CSV files, comprising a total of 20,885 unique adverse reaction event reports. Additionally, the reactions_raw CSV file generated in the code was uploaded.
Figure 14 Random Forest Feature Importance Scores
Figure 15 Drug Adverse Events Dashboard
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