ADS Capstone Chronicles Revised
togrow,particularlyforthegrowingelderly population who use Medicare and low-income families who use Medicaid (HHS, 2022). The concern of adverse reactionsiscompoundedbyincreasingcosts of drugs (HHS, 2023). Tools are needed to identify patient risk of adverse drug reactions, through the lens of precision seeks increase pharmaceutical accountability, increasedata accessibility, and increase model applicability and interpretability. These overarching objectives will guide the data science workflow to produce useful deliverables and tools for consumers and developers. The USA’s free-market economy creates a unique situation where pharmaceutical companies are gate-keepers to human survival. Drug information is portrayed to the public via advertising which can be unrealistic and does not give people a comprehensive set of factors to assess. The creation of high-quality systems that integrate and track adverse events to pharmaceutical drugs holds drug manufacturers accountable for safe and accurate reporting, and therefore protects vulnerable populations. This project increases pharmaceutical accountability by analyzing data and revealing relevant insights. Thedatasourcesthatholdinformationabout pharmaceutical drugs are scattered, and although they are public, they are not in a format that is understood by the general population. Thus, the data needed to make informed decisions about drug side effects needs to be processed and packaged in an accessible form. This project will increase data accessibility by creating a public to public health. 2.2 Objectives This project
application for ADR outcome and a public dashboard of graphical information. The code workflow is also publicly available in GitHub to increase reproducibility. Adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs are complex problems and all individual differences cannot be assessed during clinical trial phases. Assessment for risk factorsandsideeffectsgoesbeyondjustthe chemicalcompositionofdrugs.Thisproject will expand upon work done by others to takeasteptowardsaprecisionpublichealth model of adverse drug reactions. This projectwillincreasemodelapplicabilityand interpretability by including economic variables like drug prices and individual differenceslikeage,sex,andweightintothe probability of adverse outcomes. 3 Literature Review Since the inception of the FAERS, many tools have been created to increase accessibility of information for the general public. In 2017, the FAERS dashboardwas deployed to allow people to searchthrough aggregated statistics of the adverse drug reaction(ADR)data(FDA,2023b).Thisisa useful tool for broad trends in thedata,but otherfactorsareimportanttoconsiderwhen evaluating pharmaceutical products. The dashboard does not display all of the available data in the FAERS database that couldbeofinterest.TheNationalLibraryof MedicinecreatedawebsitecalledDailyMed which displays drug label informationfrom the FDA, but this source is also limited to onetypeofinformation(NationalLibraryof Medicine, n.d.). Because each of these sources offers a narrow perspective, combining sources of drug information can increasedataqualityandinsights.Modeling FAERS data can be improved by sourcing information about chemical compounds (DrugBank, 2024; National Center for Biotechnology Information [NCBI], 2024),
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