ADS Capstone Chronicles Revised
sf eeat .t uTrhei ss spuabs ts erte ws eaasr cc hh ohsaesn sbhyo wc hno ot os i nb ge especially impactful on patient oL ui t tecroamt uerse. RHeovwi eewv esre, catsi odni ,s pc ua ss ts er ed s iena rt hc he hf eaast uo rf teesn po enrl y sctoundsyi d ewrhe edr ae af es wo ou fr t hf iersset mSDoOdHelifneagtauprpesr.oach will consider 15 key 2. Wredeuctwioinll use the dimensionality technique Principal Cc oolmu mp onnse nwtist hAonuatl yssiigs n( iPf iCcAa )n ot nnaullll sS.DWO He wt hiel l acgoem, gbei nn de etrh, es erxe, saunl dt i n3g6 cCoDl uCmhne sa l tt ho mo uert rsieccso fneda tmu roedse lfionrg tahpep freoaatcuhr.e s e t f o r 4.4.2 Preprocessing for Modeling Approach 1 Feature Selection Fp or er p r ot chees s i nf igr swt a smr oe dl aetliivnegl y sat pr apirgohat cf ohr, w atrhde. Ft hi rast t w, wa es dj ursotpap se tdr itnhge cl oocl ua mt i onnk_ ne pa mt ien cuonl ut iml nnoaws feoxrp ll ao br ae tl so rf oy r dt ha et ag raanpahl ys si ins t hs ee cat fi oo nr e. mF eonl ltoi owni ne dg tgheantd, ewre, s irma cpel ,y s ae nl edc t e Cd Dt hCe t ha regael tthc o lmu me ans, uargees, cTohlius ms nu sb, saelto on fg cao suunbt ys e- lte ov fe lt hSeD SODHO fHe actoulruems ni ss :. tdoi st aalb lpeodp, u l apteirocne, nrt aa tgee o f opf o vlei mr t yi t,e dp e r cEenngtlai gs he sppe er ca ekni nt ag g eh os iunsgelhe o lpdasr, e npt e rhcoeunsteahg oe l d vs e wt e irtahn sa, cc ho mi l dp, u tpi negr c edne tvai cgee, poef r c he no tuasgeeh ool df sh owu si et hh o lndos wt hiat th oiust iunnt eermn eptl ,opyeerdc, e ngtiangi e ionfdpeoxp uol fa t iionnc o1m6 +e inequality, median household income, percentage of population 25+ with some
choolul esgeeh/oal ds sso cwi aitteh' s n od evgerheiec,l e , ppeer cr ceennt at aggee oo ff ppooppuullaattiioonn twhaitthisMuendinicsauirde,da. nd percentage of At hf et er re saer el e nc tui nl l gs ionuar nfye artouwr es ,s ,wwh ei c hi nwv eosutlidg apt eo sief ao nb si es sr uv ae tiino nr es girne sosui or ndma toads ee tl i, nogn. lOyf 3t h. 8e22%7 7h, 8a9v4e nn uu lml sbienr a ni sy aonf dt h eh oc owl u mm anns .yG oi vbesne rhvoawt i ol onws twh ai l tl rr ee smual ti inn, gwfee aotputr teo ssei tmf po lry Md roodpe lti hn og s Ae pr po rwosa. cThh 1e has 267,292 observations and 58 columns. Feature Scaling AMfot edre loi nugr Af epapt ruor ae cs ha 1n ,d wr eo wg so aarhee asde l ea cntde dd of oar 7T 5h %i s atlrl ao icnaitnegs 7a n5 d% 2o5f %t h et edsat t as ps el itt t foo br eouusre dd aftoar. tt reas itni ni ng gt hmo soed eml so dweel s . wFiol ll l obwu iilndg at hn ed t2r a5i%n - t ef osrt sl epal ri tn, ’ sw Se t asnc da laerdd Stchael e fre aptaucrkea gsee. t Tuhsiisn gp asccki ka gi te- tmraenasnformansd eacshcalfienagtureto byun“ritemovvairniagncteh,e” tar ma nesaf no romf iznegr ot haen dd aat as t saon dt ha ar dt edaecvhi af tei ao tnu roef ohna es (isScibkeiltoLwear(nEqGuuaitdioen, n.1d).). wThiteh foXrmula applied i being each individual observation’s feature value, X mean bdeisitnrgibutthioen,manedanX for that given feature’s std being the sample standard ddeavtaiasetitoans tfhoer stahmatpleg)iv. en feature (using our (1) Equation Image Obtained From: Cosgun, 2023
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