A Study of Asian American Issues in the United States - Nicoline Pedersen - Krista Celo - Eden Stilman - Seren Ventullo


What is Neoliberalism?

Neoliberalism can be seen as an ideology and a practice. It is a modern day model for the operations set in place by countries and international organizations to reduce government spending/involvement and elevate the private sector. This ideology centers on dismantling barriers that limit private groups from gaining significant wealth. These groups in turn gain economic and political power particularly over poorer citizens. Strong advocates for neoliberal policies were Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher who influenced its implementation into their own countries which affected global trade. Neoliberal policies attempt to reduce all government involvement through the establishment of privatized services that the government may perform. The citizen is no longer seen as one but instead as a consumer who exercises democracy through the consumption of products.

Neoliberalism in the Philippines

Large countries throughout the world play a heavy hand in this globally established structure. Other, more underdeveloped, countries such as the Philippines attempt to abandon their feminized status. The Philippines is interlocked in the web of neoliberalism through ‘labor brokerage’. The entire country serves as a labor broker, sending migrant workers to countries like the United States, places in East Asia, Western Europe and the Middle East. This program appears beneficial for Filipinos because they receive more money working in another country. However, neoliberalism is the cause for currency devaluation and harms citizens unable to participate.

Through neoliberalism and new policies, Filipino citizens are suffering at the hands of increased cost of living while there is a reduction in wages and income. There are less public services provided by the country in an attempt to support private companies. The disparity between the wealthy and poorer classes has grown globally. The neoliberalism ideology thrives off of inequality and uses it as a tool to encourage countries and individuals to try and “get ahead”. The reward is wealth, greater status and power while those who struggle to succeed are left behind. 40

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