2023 USD Fact Book

Pardee Legal Research Center (619) 260-4542 sandiego.edu/law/lrc Mission Integration (619) 260-4656 sandiego.edu/offices/mission integration Office of Sustainability (619) 260-7530 sandiego.edu/sustainability Office of the Tribal Liaison (619) 260-7707 Office of Undergraduate Research (619) 260-7840 sandiego.edu/ugresearch One Stop Student Center (619) 260-2700 sandiego.edu/onestop Parent and Family Relations (619) 260-4808 sandiego.edu/parents

Institutional Research and Planning (619) 260-7878

sandiego.edu/irp International Center (619) 260-4598 sandiego.edu/international Jenny Craig Pavilion (619) 260-7550 sandiego.edu/jennycraigpavilion Joan B. Kroc Institute for Peace and Justice (619) 260-4189 sandiego.edu/peace/institute for-peace-justice Joan B. Kroc School of Peace Studies (619) 260-7919

peace.sandiego.edu Karen and Tom Mulvaney Center for Community, Awareness and Social Action (619) 260-4798 sandiego.edu/mccasa Knauss School of Business (619) 260-4830 sandiego.edu/business LGBTQ+ and Allies Commons (619) 260-4517 sandiego.edu/lgbtq Libraries Copley Library (619) 260-4799 sandiego.edu/library

Parking Services (619) 260-4518 sandiego.edu/parking President’s Office (619) 260-4520 sandiego.edu/president Professional and Continuing Education

(619) 260-4585 (619) 547-0172 pce.sandiego.edu


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