2016 USD Fact Book
Campus Culture One of the best things about being a student at the University of San Diego is experiencing life on campus. The friendly and energetic atmosphere guarantees that there is always something to do, and someone to do it with. The active, thriving community offers plenty of opportunities to get involved with fellow students and residents from the neighborhood surrounding Alcala Park. LIVING ON CAMPUS Housing is available to students all four years, and is a requirement of the first and second year exper ience - unless they are commuting from home. Within the freshman residential facilities, floors and wings are gender spec ific and offer either semiprivate or community-style bathrooms. Upperclassmen and transfer students can choose from five uniquely styled apartment complexes . Graduate and law students are hou sed in the Presidio Terrace Apartments. All first-yea r students participate in Living Learning Communities. In 2015-16, nine Living Learning Communities (LLCs) are being housed within the four residence halls designated for freshmen. LLCs bring students with simi lar interests - suc h as honors, sustainability and soc ial change - together in the residence hall areas. Freshmen in the LLCs are ab le to share ideas, discuss different perspectives outside of class and enjoy the company of fr iends with sim il ar passions; thereby becoming more engaged in residential community. Thi s program is a partnersh ip between the Department of Student Affairs and the College of Arts and Sc iences. Second-year students can participate in the Second-Year Tore ro Experience Program (STEP), a coll aborative effort des igned for sophomore-spec ifi c needs, including career development and a focus on community building and we llness. A total of 2,600 first-yea r, transfer, returning upperclassmen, law and graduate students are enjoying the academic, programming, safety and conven ient benefits associated with being members of the campus residenti al community in 2015-16. All student residents have immedi ate access to professional community directors, resident mini sters and student resident ass istants who are committed to enhanc ing the ir academic, soc ial and sp iritual growth.
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www.sa ndiego.edu
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