2008 USD Fact Book





The Office of Corporate and Professional Edrcca tio11 offers the ertifica1c in Evenl Managemem; Management Academy fo r mall and Emerging Bus iness ; mall Bu iness M:magemen1and Prolilabil ity Workshop; Ce rtificate in Real Estate Finance , Invc 1ments T De elopment: C.P. I. Exam Prepa ra tion vVorkshop : and cu tomized train ing programs for U. .·b, eel companies and Latin Amcri an cu tomi zcd tra ining programs for companies throughout Mexico. Educatio11 Jor Teachers includes profcs ional developmen t, incl uding Clear Credential, proressiona l growth. independent _tudy, CLAD, compute r technology and online cour The Family Busincs Forum offers family-owned bu ines leaders and thei r families a variety of educational programs to as i t them wit h the unique challenges they face and 10 he lp en ure their cominued ucces for many generation to come. The English Language Academy is a yea r-round language and academic prepara ti on program, a lso offering cu 1omizcd certi fica te programs for s1Udc n1 , 1eache and busi ness executives. Program include: Teaching English to peakers or Other Languag (TESOL); ummcr Youth : Pre-Legal ; American Bu iness Englis h and Cro s Cu ltu ral Commun ications: and Accent focl ificat ion. Uni versity of The Tli ird Age i a three-week program o ffered 1wi ce a year for lifelong learner· aged 55 or o lder. Offering incl ude lcc tur , field trip , exercise and fore ign language workshop . The Douglas E M1111ciiester Executive 011ferencc ent er fea ture · 11 s1a1e-or-1h ·-a rt audi torium. In acldi1ion. fi ,,e meeting pace a re ava il able for out iclc group , ho wam 10 host their event at 1he Uni versity of :i n Diego. Th · Divi ion of Continuing Education 111am1g · 1h center'· confcren e pbnning and meeti ng ervic · .

Financia l ,\jd More 1han 68 pcrccn1 of undcrgraduat enrolled in Fa ll 2007 received ome fo rm of fi nancia l aid , 101a ling more than $90 milli on. Fund are mad avai lable in the fo rm of scho la rsh ips. gram , pari -tim employment and loans . Mo re informalion is available a l the Offi ce of Fi nancial Aid o r it Web site. www. sand icgo.edu/fi nancial_aid . Summer and Inte rsession Office The Summer and Intersession Offi ce adminis ters courses offered :11U D duri ng Imer ession (January) and ummcr (J une through Augus t). Although s tuden ts arc 1101 required to a11end these sessions , undergraduate and graduate stuclen ts are able to move mo re quickly through their program or to light en their loads in the regular emester by taking courses du ring Imers ion and/or Summe r cssions. chedul • fo r these ession can be fo und in Founders Hall. Room 108. For more information, call the ummer and Inter ion O(fice a t (619) 260-4800, e-ma il s io®sand iego.cdu or log on 10 www.sand icgo .ed u/s io. Communi ty Service-Learn ing As an in tegral part of the Unive rsity of an Di ego's miss ion 10 educate 1he whole person, 1he Center for Communi ty crvice-Lcarning enlis ts D s tude nts. fam il y. s taff and alumni in service projects with the commun it}'· The cent er beli ve parti ci pati on in th · c partnershi p project help crc111c a lifelong commi 1mc11 110 promote socia l change and j us tice. During their academic careers, more lhan 1wo-1hi rds of D's undergraduate are involved in a ra nge of communi ty ' ervice projects includ ing 1hc pc ial lympi ·· , Best Buddi es. and variou mentori ng and 1u1oring project

Con ti nu ing Ed ucation Th

niversi ty of an Diego Di vi ion of on1inu ing Ed ucation offers non-degree, fee-based wo rkshop . cmi nar and ccrt ific11te program designed lO mec1 the eve r-changi ng need of today" competiti ve proC sionals.

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