2004 USD Fact Book

Club Sports More than 400 students part ici pate each year in USO club sports. Club sports teams include • Baseball • Equestrian • Lacrosse (men's and women's) , Rugby • Skateboard ing • Surfing • Tae kwon do • Waler polo (men's and women's) • Water ski ing • Vol leyball (men's and women's) • Triath lon • Jujitsu , Ultimate Frisbee To find out more about lntl'ilmurals About two- thirds of the university community - undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff - participate in at least one of the many in tramu ral activities offered , including Flag basketball, golf, inner- tube water polo, noor hockey and bowling. The wide variety of activities sponsored by Outdoor Adven tures- an on- campus resource for students, faculty and staff - include skiing, rafting, rock cl imbing. horseback riding, moun- tain biking and hiking. club sports, call (619) 260-4276. footba ll, softba ll , tennis, volleyball,

Sports USD fi elds 16 men's and women's athl etic teams that represent the university in Divis ion I Na tional Collegiate Athletic Associa tion competition as a member of the eight- team Wes t Coast Conference (the footbal l team competes in the Division r-AA Pioneer Football League). Other WCC teams include Loyola Marymount, Pepperdine, Santa Clara, University of San Francisco, University of Portland, Gonzaga and St. Mary's. The Torero nidcname was d 10sen in 1961 by university founder Bishop Buddy to reflect USD's d ose affiliation with Mexico. The traditional team colors are Columbia blue, navy blue and white. USD boasts some of the best athletic facil ities in the nation, including the Jenny Craig Pavilion, home of the basketball and volleyball teams and a fi tness center open to all students, and an expanded and upgraded Torero Stadiwn , home of USD football and soccer. Significant renovations to Cunningham Baseball Stadium , the USD West Tennis Courts , the Manchester Canyon Field and the US D Softball Compl ex make the university's athl etic infrastructwe second to none.

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