2003 USD Just the Facts



niversity Ministry programs are designed to help students, facu lty, staff and alumni nou rish an adult faith, fo rm a strong community of worship, serve the needy and act fo r justice. The catalyst of spiritual life on campus, Un iversity Ministry invites people of all religious traditions and those stil l sea rching fo r religious identity to participate in its programs, activities and services. These include retreats, Scripture study, pastoral counsel ing, spi ritual direction, liturgical ministries, ecumenical services, worship, the Founders Chapel choir, faith reflection groups, and social justice and service opportunities. USD is a Roman Catholic institution proud of the many fa iths represented on campus. The Jewish Student Union and the lntervarsity Christian Fe llowship for Evangelical Christians are active campus organizations, and the annual All-Faith Service celebrates the diverse faith traditions present on campus. Any student of any faith can receive information from University Ministry about on- and off-campus opportunities to practice his or her faith . Those interested in learning more about the Catholic fa ith or preparing for the Sacraments of Initiation (baptism, Eucharist, confirmation) may take part in programs presented from mid- September to early May. University Ministry staff members are available to assist in preparation for marriage in Catholic churches including Founders Chapel and The lmmaculata. Sunday worship services are held at 7 and 9 p.m. in Founders Chapel. The Eucharist is celebrated daily at 12:10 and 5 p.m. For information, call (619) 260-4735, visit www.sandiego.edu/Minis try, or e-mail godsquad@sandiego.edu.

Art Founders Ga llery and The Fine Arts Galleries in the Institute fo r Peace and Justice host frequent exhibi ts of a wide variety of artists and genres. The David W. May Ga llery in Founders Hall hosts showings that celebrate Ameri can Indian culture and traditions. Serra Hall's Anthropology Museum features the extensive holdi ngs of the May Indi an Artifacts Co ll ection. Theater USD's English department, in conjunction with The Globe Theatres in Balboa Pa rk, offers a Mas ter of Fine Arts in Dramatic Arts program that attracts students from across the nation. Student actors participate in on-stage theater workas well as academic studies. M.F.A. and undergraduate theater arts students stage regular campus performances. Festivals and Seminars USD is host to a variety of events that offer students and fac ulty different perspectives on contemporary issues, including the American Ind ian Celebration, the annual Social Issues Confe rence and the Kyoto Laureates Symposium, which recogni zes the international scholars who are recipients of the Kyoto Awa rds, honors simi lar to the Nobel Pri zes. Speakers USD's cul tu ral and intell ectual diversity is rei nfo rced by the wide range of speakers who come to campus. Recent speakers incl ude former President Jimmy Ca rter, U.S. poet laureate Robert Pinsky and Nobel Peace Prize wi nner Oscar Arias. Music Acomprehensive music prog ram includes reg ular performances by the USD Symphony, the USDCommun ity Choir, the Opera Workshop and the Choral Scholars show choir. The program also presents frequent reci tals by fac ulty and students, and performances by visiting artists. Commun ty Service-Learning As an integral part of the Universi ty of San Diego's mission to educate the whole person, the Office for Community Service- Learning creates opportunities for students, fac ul ty and staff to enrich thei r lives while making San Diego a better place to live. Duri ng their academic ca reers, more than two-thirds of USD's underg raduates are involved in a range of volunteer community service projects, incl uding: Family Lea rning Center, Habitat fo r Humanity, Homeless Outreach, Linda Vista Kids Project, Native American Outreach, Senior Outreach, Special Olympics and Volunteers fo r Youth.


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