2001-2002 Just the Facts

CHA!ll ()1- THI · BOARD Li am E. M ·Gee '76 Prem/cm. Bank

V1c 1- C11, 1R oF TH I· Bo,\IU) Michae!T. T ho rsne '68 (J . D.) . l11 orn9·. rhormcs Barto!Cll to &._ .llcG111n· S 1-CIU· TA IW 0 1· ·1111- BOA IU) Rober t Hoehn Onnn. J-Jodm Hondo

Ronald L. Fowle r J>r.·sid.:m and CEO. L,quid Jm·.·s/lm:ms. /nr. Alice 13 . Hayes Pr~Slllcnt. Un11 a SIIJ ef San Diego Patri cia M . Howe Ch11 irnwn. /J S. hnanrial Sm•ices. Inc.

Frank D. Aless io .llmwginH ,lfcmbcr. 1:1). :1. Ci1p11al I.I C Robe r t H. Bake r Prd idcnt , Bob B11ka Emupri~c,· Inc. Manue l Ba rba, M.D. R. Donna M . Baytop, M.D. .lfoJ, rn / Director, Solar li 1rl,incs, / 111 . Prc.; 1"ilct11 and CEO, Unwn- lr,hunc Puhl1sh1119 Comfhl l~\' All en J. Blackmo re Pr~"'.S 1Jcr11 , Tli c 8 /c,ckmor,; CompanJ John D. Boy e l{cli rcJ Educator al)(/ Bum1c.) 1t11clll T he Most Re v. Robert H . Brom 81slwp of tht· Diocese oJ Sun f) iL:qo San d ra A. Brue Prem/en, and CEO. SanJu:clSf In . G regg Ca rpente r .llu11u9 1119 Dm:cror, .lforsh Ritk om/ lnsumna Sen ias Kathr)71 S. Co lachfa Cl1airman anJ CEO. Th L· Cofoch,s Compar11l·s Daniel W. Derbes Wi ll iam E. Ell iott /kt iwl Amor, Our Laclj of Rtjir.i1c P.1rhh Anita V. Figueredo , M.D. Kim Fletche r Pr.:s1Jcm. Im .:st ors l.cas,n9 Corporc1r ion Roy E. "Gene" Be ll P,csfrlcm. . \Wn"/ 1:Cnr ur..:s R ·v. Monsigno r

The Uni ve1·s ity o f San Di ego is accredited by the Weste rn Associati on o f choo ls and Co ll eges .

P 1{oc.; R ,\ .\ I Acuu- D ITAT IONS School r:/ Business tl dmin istration Ame ri can Assemb ly o f Co ll eg iate Schoo ls o f Business; Electri cal Eng inee1· ing : Accred itati on Board fo r Eng ineer ing and Techno logy School ef Education Authori zed by the Cali fo rn ia Commi ssion for Tcacher Credenti aling to r ecommend candidates fo r the Pre liminary and C lear Mu ltip le Subj ect and Sing le Subject Teaching Cr edent ials; Mu lt ip le Subj ect CLAS and BCLAD (Spani sh); the Educat ion Speciali st in Special Education ; the Pre liminary Admin istrat ive Sen-i ces C redent ial; and the Pup il Personnel Ser vices Creel nti als . The Marital and Famil y Prog ram is

Sister Kath leen Hughes , R.S.C. J. Pronncwl. SodctJ' ef 1hc Socro.'il Ih•or, Pete r J. Hughes , lltorncy-m-1.aw W ill iam D. Jones ' 80 Prm Jcm . cr:v aud Dm:ctor, C1tJ Lmk Im CS(/lk'lll Corpori.1t ion Margot Kyd Senior l'P am/ CAO. Scmpr,1 Encr9J I a rt 19 11c ,l/u/1 ,media S.,n tc,m·. /nr. Doug las F. Ma ncheste r Chalf lll{lll ef tin· Jlo.ud, Afancl i.·s l(·r lk sorh Sister Gertrude Patch, R.S. C. J. Rev. Monsigno r Lawrence Pu rcell Pm101,. Ill J.ltillou·s Church John M. Robbins J r. Choirrmm cmJ CEV, . lmcriwn Hcrnlwt it1I lmL'S/ mcm Tm~, Willi am H . Scri pps '83 C11 ic /_ .·oder Darl ene Marcos Shi ley l'hilamhropfa 1 John T. Lynch Chairmcin an.I CEV.

nati onally accredited by the Commi ss ion on Accred ita t ion fo r Ma r ita l and Fam ily T he rapy. School r:f Law Am er ican Bar Associati o1 Association o f Amer ican Law Schoo ls /-lahn Schoo f '!/ ursin9 and Healt h Science Commi ss ion on Co ll eg iate Nursing Edu ati on


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