2001-2002 Just the Facts

ART Founders Gall ery, in the heart of campus, hosts frequent exhibits o f' a wid e va r ie t y o f arti sts and genres . The Dav id W. May Gall e ry in Founder s Hall hosts showings that ce lebrate Nati ve Ame ri can culture and trad itions. Se rra Hall 's Anthropology Museum featu res the extensive holdings of the May Indi an Artifacts Co ll ection. TJ il ·,,\T l · I{ USD 's Eng li sh department , in conjunct ion with San Di ego's The Globe Theab·cs , offers a Mas ter of Fine Ar ts in Dramati c Arts prog ram that attr acts students from across the nati on. St udent actor s parti cipate in on-stage theate r work as we ll as acad emi c studi es . M.F.A . and undergraduate theater a,-ts students stage regul ar campus perfo rmances . Recent product ions incl ude the comedy "Reckl ess" and Shakespeare 's "Two Gentl emen of Ve rona."

As an intc_g ra l part o f t h Uni ve rsity o f San Di ego's mi ss ion to edu ca te th e who le pe r so n, the Offi ce fo r Community Se r \'i cc- Learn ing creates oppor t uniti es fo r students, facul ty and staff t o enr ich their li ves whil e making San Di ego a bette r place to li ve. By integrating community sc r\'i ce- lea rning with classroom curri culum· and student-d irec ted vo luntee r project s, stud ents app ly what they' ve lea rned in rea l-wo rl d situati ons, adding dimension to the ir educati on whil e address ing needs in the community. During their academi c ca ree rs, more than rwo-thi rds of USD 's und ergradu ates a re in vo lved in a range of volun teer communi ty se rvice proj ects, including: Family Lea rning Ce nte r, Habitat for Humanity, Homeless O utreach, Linda Vista Kids Projecr, Native Ameri can O utreach, Senior Outreach, Spec ial O lympi cs and Vo lum ee rs for Youth . Mo re than 2, I00 st udents - roughly one- third of the to ta l enrollment - li ve on campus, supervi sed by five fu ll -time res id ent directors, three res ident coo rd inators and 50 student res ident advise rs. Camino- Founde rs Hall is exclusively fo r female students; Mahe r Hall and the Miss ions A and B compl exes arc co-eel. Fi,·e apartment comp lexes arc within " ·alking di stan ce of the campus. A new apartment-style res id e nce ha ll accommodating 350 students is proj ected to be open for the Fa ll 2002 semeste r. For in fo rmation , call (6 l 9) 260-4777 or log on to http: / / housing.sandi ego.cdu .

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USD 's cultural and intel lect ua l di ve rsity is re in fo rced by the w ide range o f speake rs who come to campus. A sampling o f rece nt speaker s incl udes : U.S. poet laureate Robe r t Pinsky; Arun Gandhi, g randson o f India 's lege ndar y spiri tual leader ; poet Jose Montoya , one of the Chi cano movement 's

most respected arti sts and educators; Corretta Scott King; Anita Hill , a nati onal spokeswoman for women 's rights in tl1 e workpl ace; fo rmer Costa Ri can pres ident and Nobe l Peace Pr ize w inne r Oscar Ar ias; Secretary of Edu cat io n Ri chard Ril ey; and author s Amy Tan and Maya Ange lou . Music A compre hensive mu sic prog ram in clu des regul ar per fo rmances by the USO Symphony, USO Community Choir, the Opera Wo rkshop and t he Choral Scho lars · show choir. The program also presents frequent recitals by fa cul ty and tudcnts, and pe rf'o rmances by vi sit ing art ists in Shil ey Theatre and tl1e Unive r sity Cente r.

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