2001-2002 Just the Facts

L \ W i'ROGRA ,\I S

Juri s Doctor; Master of Laws-Ge ne ral; Master of Laws in International Law; Maste r of Laws in Taxat ion ; Master of Comparat ive Law; Jo int Maste r 's degree prog rams in' Business Adm ini strat ion , In ternati onal Business and In ternat ional Relations; Diploma in Taxation

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Accountancy, Anthropo logy, Art , Biology, Business Administrati on , Business Economi cs, hem istry, Communi cat ion Studi es , Computer Scicnc , Counselor Ed ucation , Diver sifi ed Libe ral Ar ts (Educa tion ), Economi cs, Electri cal Enginee ring, Eng lish, Environmental Studi es, Ft-ench, Hi story, Industr ial and Systems Eng inee ring , Inte rdisciplinary Humaniti es, In te rnational Re lati ons, Lat ino Studi es , Marine Science , Mathematics, Musi c, Phi losophy, Phys ics, Po li ti cal . ience, Psychology, Soc io logy, Span ish , T heo logy and Relig ious Studies, Urban St udi es Business Acl mini sti-ation, Compa rative Law (J .D. rc9uired), Co unse ling, Cu r r iculum and Instruction, Dramati c Arts , E-Comme rce, Leade rshi p Studi es, Gene ral Law (J .D. re9uired), Hi sto ry, ExecutiYe Leade rshi p, Global Leadershi p , In te rnat ional Business, Inte rnati ona l Re lations, Learning and Teaching (teacher preparat ion), Mar ine Scien ce , Marriage and Fam ily Therapy, Nursing, Pasto ra l Car e and Counse ling, Practi cal Theo logy, Taxation (J.D. re9uired)

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Fo re ign Study in Oxford , Eng land; Fl o rence, Ita ly; Aix-en-Provence, Tou lon, Av ignon , France; To ledo, Spain ; Fre iburg, Germany; Nagoya, Tokyo, Japan ; Vienna, Austri a; Summe r Prog ram in Guada lajara , Mex ico Navy, Army and Air Fo rce Rese r n~O ffi cers ' Trai ning Corps Prog ram; Freshman Preceptoria l Program; Hono rs Program; Lawye r 's Ass istant Prog ram (Paral ega l) I NST!T l! Tl· S AND :\1 I'l l l r\TFD JlRo(;R.\ ,\I S Ahl e rs Cent er for In te rnat ional Business Ameri can Humani cs Cente r fo r Chri st ian Spirituality Cen te r fo r the Study of Lat ino/a Catho li cism Ethi cs Across the Curri culum Facul ty and Curri culum Diver sity Program Faculty De,·cl opment Internati onal Cente r for Character Ed ucat ion In te rnati onal Inst itute for Family-Owned Businesses Joan 13 . Kroc Institute for Peace and Justi ce Na tive Ame ri can Web Site Rea l Estate Institute The Transbordc r Institute T he Va lues Institute

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D ocrcm :\ 1 PRoGRA .\t s Educationa l Leade rship; Nursing Science

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