2000-2001 Just the Facts
University Ministry programs and services are designed for students, faculty, staff and alumni to help nourish an adult faith, form a strong com- munity of worship, serve the poor and act for justice.
( MILLIONS) ... $125 .... $24 .. $19 $168
Tuition and fees .. Sales and services of auxiliary enterprises Other sources . Total revenues .
Expenditures and transfers Education and general Auxiliary enterprises
University Ministry is the catalyst of spiritual life on campus, inviting persons of all religious traditions and those still searching for their religious identity to take part in its programs, activities and services. These include: retreats, scripture study, pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, liturgical ministries, ecumenical services, worship, the Founders Chapel choir, faith reflection groups and social justice and service opportunities. Although USO is a Roman Catholic institution, the university is proud of the many faiths represented on campus. The Jewish Student Union and the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship for evangelical Christians are active campus organizations, and the annual All-Faith Service is a cherished campus tradition. In addition, any student of any faith can receive information about on- and off-campus opportunities to practice their faith by contacting a University Ministry staff member. Those interested in learning more about the Catholic Church or preparing for the Sacraments of lni.tiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation) may take part in programs presented from mid-September to early May. University Ministry staff members are available to assist in preparation for marriage in Founders Chapel, The Immaculata church, or another Catholic church. Major gatherings for Sunday worship are at 7 and 9 p.m. in Founders Chapel. The Eucharist is also celebrated daily at 12: 10 and 5 p.m. For more information, call (619) 260-4735, visit www.acusd.edu/Ministry or e-mail godsquad@acusd.edu.
........ $131 $21
Mandatory transfers for debt service and matching grants; nonmandatory transfers and operating surplus . Total expenditures and transfers .
. $16 .. $168
GIFT SUPPORT (,999 - 2000 UNALll)>TH))
Total gifts from alumni, parents, friends, corporations and foundations . Annual Fund gifts .
... $8. 1 million ... $3.5 million
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