1999-2000 Just the Facts
U SD's 180-acre campus 01-c rl ooking San Di ego's Mi ss ion Bay is regarded as one of the most architectura lly unique in the co untry, with 19 maj o r bui ldings des igned in an o rn amental 16th century Spani sh Renai ssance style . The USO campus was named Alca la Park afte r a pan ish city nea r Madrid Alca la de Hcnarcs . Fo unded b:· the G reeks, it became kno,rn as Comp - lutum during Roman t imes .The to11·n was re named Al Ka la (the cas tl e) ah ar (a ft e r the ri,·er Hcnarcs) by the Muslims. Chri sti ans recaptured the ,·illagc in I088 and fo unded a uni,·c rsity in 149 whose buildings became the inspirat ion fo r USD's architecturnl style. Al l o f USD 's aclmi ni strati1·c and c lassroom fa ciliti es arc loca ted on the uppe r campus. At the cas t end arc the Alca la Vi sta apa rtments, the Mi ss ion housing com- p lex, and the ports Cente r compl ex, whi ch includes To rc ro Stadium, tenni s courts , an O lymp ic-s ized sw im- ming poo l, a gymnasium and othe r pla)·ing fie lds. The newest fa cility, the 5 ,000-scat Jcnm· Cra ig Pal'i li on and Mons ignor I. Brent Eagen Memo ria l Plaza, is scheduled to o pen in the fall of 2000. Also we ll in to the planning stages is the Joan B. Kroc Institute fo r Peace and Justi ce, a 90,000-squa rc-foot, two -fl oo r bu ilding that will be constructed on West Poi nt Fi e ld. The institute ll'il l house a new curri culum in peace studi es and host inte rn at ional confe rences and sympos ia. In recent yea rs , USD has comp leted maj o r construc- ti o n and ex pansion proj ects.The 975-spacc Mi ss ion Parking Compl ex o pe ned in I998. The fo rmer an Diego Di ocese building ll' aS reno,·atcd and o pe ned for business as the Au tho r E. and Marj o ri e A. Hughes Admi ni strat ion Cente r in fall o f 1996. The Co lachi s Plaza and Shutml'ay Fo untain ll' aS fini shed in the fa ll of 1995, connecting the entrances o f The lmmac ulata Church and th e Hughes Adm ini strati on Center.
T he Unive rsity of San Di ego is a pri,·atc atho li c instituti on o f hi ghe r ed uca ti on located on 180 acres ove rl ooking San D iego's Mi ss ion Bay. U D is kno11·n for its commitme nt Lo teaching, the libe ra l arts, the fo rmati on o f ,·alucs and commun it y invo lveme nt. Th e uniYe rsity takes pride in the persona l- ized approach and ho li sti c ,·icw of stude nt it brings to the educationa l process. Chartered in 1949, USO e nro ll s mo re than 6 ,800 students 11'!10 may choose from more than 50 unde r - grad uate and g rad uate deg ree prog rams. The uni1-cr sit y's academi c d i, ·isions inc lud e the Co ll ege of Arts and cienccs and the choo ls o f Business Admin istrati on, Educa ti on , La11· and Nursing. Throughout its hi sto ry, USO has remained dedi cated to the idea ls of lib ral educati on and to recogni zing the dignit y of me n and wome n as human be ing and as crea - tures of Goel. As a Ca tho li c institution , the unil·cr·i ty is committed Lo examinati on o f the Catholi c traditi on as the basis of a cont inuing sea r ch for m an ing in contem- po rary life. USO offe rs a yea r - round ca lendar o f coltural c1·cnts, and its men 's and women 's spo rts teams compete against nati ona l opponents in 16 sports.
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