1999-2000 Just the Facts

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The 1998-99 USD athle ti c season ,vas highli ghted by juni o r wome n 's tenni s pl ave r Z uzana Lcscnaro, ·a be ing cro\\ ·ncd the 1999 NCAA \Vomen'sTennis Sing les Champ ion. She also won the f-ir st two

L lTR OUFG!ATF ATI I LET I CS Scho larship and non-scho larship sports both play an impo rtant ro le in USO ' day- to-day campus life, enhanced by outstanding outdoo r oppo rtuniti es and exce ll ent campus fa cili t ies . Men 's basketball , baseball , soccer, tenni s, go lf and cross coun try teams compete at the Divis ion I leve l and be long to the West Coast Confer- ence. Men 's Tew omp tes as an independent. The football team is in its seventh season at the NCAA Di,;sion I-AA level in the Pionee r Foo tball League .


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legs or the IT.A Co ll egiate Grand Slam \\·it.h " ·ins at the C lav Cou rts and All - Amer ica n. Thl.' women\ tenni s team ach-anccd

lo the NCA .'\ s for the fi rth st ra ight )'Ca r. The fa ll season \\·as capped by women 's ,·o ll eyball " inn ing the \Vest Coast Confe rence ti tle for the second conscc~t in~:·car, and then ach·ancing to the i\CAA second ro und . /v!en 's socce r placed li rst in the WCC and also ac h-a nccd to the NCAA second ro und. Bo th cross coun t ry teams pl aced second in the WCC Championships . Dur ing tl1L' \\' int e r Sl'aso n , men \ basketball \\·cnt 18 -9, placed second in the \VCC and sa\\' coach Brad Ho ll and c' arn \VCC Coach o r the Yea r. S" ·irnmi ng and d iYing placed second at the PC C Championshi ps und e r hrst -:·car coach i\like Kcc· le r. In add ition to the succc·ss o f \\'omen 's tenn is in the spri ng, t.hc so ftba ll tc•am set a sc hoo l record for \\' ins with ++. The base ba ll team, und e r hrst-:·ea r coach Rich Hill , finishl'd " ·ith a \\·inn ing reco rd .

Women 's basketba ll , cross country, Lenni s , vo ll eyball , soc e r and cre\\· teams compete at the Divi sion I leve l as members of the West Coast Confe rence . The women'· s" ·imming and d i,·ing team is a membe r o f the Pacifi c Co ll eg iat e Swi m Co nfe rence and the softba ll team competes in the Wes t rn lnte rco ll egiat Softball League, wh ich is made up o r wee member s who spon o r so ftba ll teams. Schola rshi ps are ava il abl e in men 's bas ketball , baseba ll , socce r, tenni s , go lf and cro s count ry, and women's basketball , swimming , tenni s, voll eyball , socce r, soft ball and cross coun t ry. i N TR \ .\\URA ! ~ T he LI D int ramura l prog ram is an integral part o f student life on campus. Last year more than two- thirds of the un ive rsity community - including gr aduate and underg raduate students, fa culty and staff - parti cipated in at least one of the many activiti es o ffered. Leagues, tournaments and special events include Aag foo tball , tenni s, vo ll eyball , basketball , softba ll , go lf, inne r tube water po lo , 0oor hock y, bowl ing and other compe ti t ions. In addi tion, USO students and emp loyees ·an parti ci- pate in a va ri ety o f outdoor ac ti vit ie · spon o red by O utdoor Adventure . kiing, rafting, rock cl imbing, horseback riding, mountain biking and hiking are some o f the acti ,·iLi es o ffe red.

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Wins Losses Ti cs

Foo tba ll


8 9 6 6

0 0

1\ \en 's socce r

12 12 2+


\ Vomen's socce r

\\ 'omen \ nJlled,a ll \ Von1en 's S\\·in1111ing

0 0 0 0 0 0



18 I+

Men 's baske tball


I 3 10 11 27 2 1

\\/omc' n 's basketba ll

Men 's tenn is


\Vomen's tenni s

14 28 ++


lhseb.i ll Softba ll


Team name To rcros (bullhghte rs)

Co lo rs: Co lumbi a blue, na,·: blue and "'hit e

Chi ef confe rence ri,·a ls : Pcp1Jl' rdi 1 l' Uni,·e rsity; Lo:·o la Marymount Un i,·e rsit:·; Santa Cla ra Llni,-crs it:·; Un i,-c rsit,· or San Francisco

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