1995-1996 USD Facts

Alcala Park

U SD's 180-acre campus ove rlooking San Di ego's M iss ion Bay is rega rded as one of the mos t architecturally uni que in the count ry, with 18 major buildings designed in an o rnamental 16 th centu ry Span ish Renaissance style. T he USO campLis was named Alcala Park afte r a Spani sh vill age nea r Madrid -Alcala de H enares. Founded by the G reeks as Complucum , the vill age was lacer renamed Al Kala (the Cas cle) Nahar (afte r the river H enares) by the Moslems. C h rist ians recap- cu red che village cen turies lacer and fo unded a uni versity whose build ings became the inspira tion for USD's archi tectu ral sty le. All of USD 's administrat ive and class room fac ili ties are located on che upper campus. Ac the ease end are che Al cala Vista apart- ments, che Miss ion housing complex, graduate scudent apartmen ts and the Sports Center compl ex, which incl udes To rero Stadium, tennis cour ts, an O lymp ic-sized swimm ing poo l, gymnas ium, weight room and ocher playing fi el ds. Since 1984, USD has compl eted nine majo r co nstructi on and expansion p rojects. A landscaped fo untain pl aza was fini shed in the

fa ll of 1995 , connect ing the entrances of the lmmacul aca and H ughes Administrat ion Center. In 1992, the university completed che 45, 000-square-foo c Loma Hall , whi ch includes an expanded bookstore, a larger ma il center, classrooms, laboratories and office space fo r physics, engineering, and va ri ous arcs and sciences depart- ments. In 1990, the newly expanded and renovated Katherine M. and Geo rge M. Pardee Jr. Legal Research Cenrer opened , a fac ili ty chat is dou bl e the size of che fo rmer law lib rary and refl ects the lates t developments in info rmat ion techno logy. T he un iversity completed and opened the 6 ,000-square-fooc Douglas F. Ma ncheste r Family C hil d D evel opment Center in 1989. Ocher proj ects compl eted within che past 12 yea rs include the Alcala Vista apartments (1987) , a 156-unic scudenc apanmenr complex; che Ernest and Jean Hahn Un iversity Center (1987), a 76,000-square-fooc building chat houses d ini ng, meeti ng and office areas; O lin H all (1984) , home to the School of Business Ad min- istrati on; the Douglas F. Mancheste r Executi ve Confe rence Center (1984); and the H elen K. and James S. Copl ey Li b ra1y (1984) .


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