1993-1994 USD Facts


T he U ni vers ity of San D iego is acc red ited by rhe Wes tern Associat ion of Schoo ls and Coll eges.

Program Accreditations Include: Philip Y Hahn School ofNursing Na ti onal League fo r Nu rsing

School ofBusiness Administration Ameri can Assemb ly of Co ll egiate Schoo ls of Busi ness

School ofLaw American Bar Assoc iat ion and Associatio n of Ameri can Law Schoo ls

School ofEducation Auth orized by the Commi ss ion of Teacher Credenti aling of rhe Sta re of Ca li fo rni a to recommend candidates for the Multipl e Subject and Si ngle Subject Teach ing Credenti als, rhe Bilingual Specialist and rhe Specialist in Spec ial Educa ti on C redentials, an d the Admi nis trat ive Serv ices , Pup il , Pe rsonnel Service, and Communi ty Counselor C redenti als. College ofArts and Sciences Electrical Enginee ring, Accred itation Board for Engineer ing and Technology.

Facts 1993-94 produced by USD s Publications Office Editor: Jacqueline Genovese Production Specialist: Judy Williamson Photography: Pablo Mason, Rodney Nakamoto On the cover: Celia Brewer '93 U. D.) and her mother, Jean Nelson. [1193/6000}

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