1990-1991 USD Facts



Of Note College fare like you 've never had before...

Trustees Emeriti Dee Baugh Rev. Msgr. Robert T. Callahan Sr. Frances Danz, RSC] Margaret R. Duflock Charles M. Grace Elizabeth A. Parkman Leland S. Prussia

The National Association of College and University Food Services (NACUFS) awarded USD's Dining Services a 1990 grand prize for retail operations (includes The Market- place, the Deli and the Courtyard Grille) for its cash sales/standard menu. Winning over small, medium and large colleges and universities across the nation, the three eateries also won first prize among medium-sized univer- sities for overall retail operations. In 1989 Dining Services won a grand prize for its banquets and catering brochure/standard menu. Pull up a chair. .. Many of the antiques furnishing the public spaces and of- f ices at USD came from two San Francisco mansions: The James Flood mansion and the Joseph Grant mansion. Fruit of the vine.. . Major landscaping elements of USD 's campus include tall, spreading alders, elegant king and queen palms, Canary Island date palms and lush green lawns. The word.. . The student newspaper is the Vista, published weekly The university's official publication is the Undergraduate Bulletin, published biennially The Law School student paper is called Motions. Top of the heap... Each year; about JO percent of USD 's graduates receive their degrees cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude. Thanks to God... Campus Ministry offers masses for students twice daily every weekday and three times each Sunday Home Sweet Home... Approximately half of USD 's undergraduates choose to live on campus. Freshmen are required to, except for the 10-15 percent of the class who live with family and commute.

William K. Warrent Richard P. Woltman

Attorney for the Board Josiah L. Neeper, San Diego Managing Partner; Gray, Cary, Ames & Frye

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