1983 Alcalá
Back (Leftto right): Michelle Riffle, Katie O'Rourke, Jan- een McTaggart, Ce Maceviez, Laurie Maddock, Michele Piersma. Front L-R: Janet Gaunt, Jan Hollahan, Barb Renner, JacquePinett. Coach Gary Becker feels that the 1982-83swim ming season will be a "rebuilding year" since this is the first year theToreras have moved to NCAA Divi sion I. Coach Becker stated, "The next couple of years will be devoted to building a team strong enough to be competitive athe Division I level, we will have the ability and confidence to perform as we did on the Div. II level. The Toreras have three returnees. They are Janet Gaunt, sophomore (Breaststroke), Katie O'Rourke, sophomore (Freestyle), and Ce Macevicz, junior (Sprint Free and Butterfly). Newcomers are Martha Hutchingson, Jackie Pinch, Linda Monastro, Janeeri McTaggart, Barbara Renner, Michelle Pieksma, Jeanne Malitz,Lori Maddock, JanHollahan, Terry Gorhorn, and Gail Guiliani. This year's assistant coaches areTrish Dauer and Mary Lightfoot.
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