1999-2000 Just the Facts


Ex1:c uT1 v1c 01-F ICE RS Pres ident Alice 13 . Hayes , Ph .D.

.. ..7

Marks o f Distinct ion

.... . . . . .... . ... . . .. .... .. .. 8

Academ ics


Fac ulty

Vi ce Pres ide nt and Provost Francis M. Laza rus, Ph.D.


. . ··· · · · ··· ···· ··· · . . . . ..... 10

Vice Pres ident for Finance and Admin istrati on Paul E. Bissonne tte , M. P. A.

.... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . ... . ... 11

Student Finances

. .. 12

Financia l O pe rations

Vi ce President fo r Mission and Min ist ry Re ,·. Monsigno r Dan ie l J. Di llabough

.... . .... 14

Athl e ti cs

Vice Pres ident for Student Affa irs and Dea n o f Students T homas F. Bu rke , M.A .


Cul t ur a l Act i\·ities

. . . . . . ..... . . . . . . ... . .... 18

Summer Confer ences

Vice Pres i


Contin uing Educat ion



Boa rd of Trust ees

Co ll ege o f Arts and Scie nces Patr ick F. Dr inan , Ph .D.


Alumn i

Schoo l o f Business Admin ist rat ion Cur t is W. Cook, D.13 .A.

Schoo l o f Educa ti on Paula A. Co rd eiro, Ed . D.

Schoo l o f Law Dani e l 13 . Rodri guez , J . D.

Just the Facts 1999-2000 l'roJuced by USD's Office c?f l'ublicaiions. Ediror:Ji ll IVagn er l'roJuccion Specialisr:J udy Wi /l iamson Concept + Design: Sky li ne Design Croup Photography: J im Coi t , A. Decker,Joe J-:lein, Pahfo ,Hasan, Rodney Nakamow, Ca ,y Payne.

Hahn Schoo l o f Nur sing and Hea lth Scie nce Janet A. Rodge rs , Ph .D.

The l/n11wwy of Son D1e90 does not discnminar e on the ba~·is cf n1cc . color, rehgwn, sex. nati onal orig in , age or d, sah ilicy in it s pol1 c1cs and pro9rams.


"' ::,


U SD's 180-acre campus 01-c rl ooking San Di ego's Mi ss ion Bay is regarded as one of the most architectura lly unique in the co untry, with 19 maj o r bui ldings des igned in an o rn amental 16th century Spani sh Renai ssance style . The USO campus was named Alca la Park afte r a pan ish city nea r Madrid Alca la de Hcnarcs . Fo unded b:· the G reeks, it became kno,rn as Comp - lutum during Roman t imes .The to11·n was re named Al Ka la (the cas tl e) ah ar (a ft e r the ri,·er Hcnarcs) by the Muslims. Chri sti ans recaptured the ,·illagc in I088 and fo unded a uni,·c rsity in 149 whose buildings became the inspirat ion fo r USD's architecturnl style. Al l o f USD 's aclmi ni strati1·c and c lassroom fa ciliti es arc loca ted on the uppe r campus. At the cas t end arc the Alca la Vi sta apa rtments, the Mi ss ion housing com- p lex, and the ports Cente r compl ex, whi ch includes To rc ro Stadium, tenni s courts , an O lymp ic-s ized sw im- ming poo l, a gymnasium and othe r pla)·ing fie lds. The newest fa cility, the 5 ,000-scat Jcnm· Cra ig Pal'i li on and Mons ignor I. Brent Eagen Memo ria l Plaza, is scheduled to o pen in the fall of 2000. Also we ll in to the planning stages is the Joan B. Kroc Institute fo r Peace and Justi ce, a 90,000-squa rc-foot, two -fl oo r bu ilding that will be constructed on West Poi nt Fi e ld. The institute ll'il l house a new curri culum in peace studi es and host inte rn at ional confe rences and sympos ia. In recent yea rs , USD has comp leted maj o r construc- ti o n and ex pansion proj ects.The 975-spacc Mi ss ion Parking Compl ex o pe ned in I998. The fo rmer an Diego Di ocese building ll' aS reno,·atcd and o pe ned for business as the Au tho r E. and Marj o ri e A. Hughes Admi ni strat ion Cente r in fall o f 1996. The Co lachi s Plaza and Shutml'ay Fo untain ll' aS fini shed in the fa ll of 1995, connecting the entrances o f The lmmac ulata Church and th e Hughes Adm ini strati on Center.

T he Unive rsity of San Di ego is a pri,·atc atho li c instituti on o f hi ghe r ed uca ti on located on 180 acres ove rl ooking San D iego's Mi ss ion Bay. U D is kno11·n for its commitme nt Lo teaching, the libe ra l arts, the fo rmati on o f ,·alucs and commun it y invo lveme nt. Th e uniYe rsity takes pride in the persona l- ized approach and ho li sti c ,·icw of stude nt it brings to the educationa l process. Chartered in 1949, USO e nro ll s mo re than 6 ,800 students 11'!10 may choose from more than 50 unde r - grad uate and g rad uate deg ree prog rams. The uni1-cr sit y's academi c d i, ·isions inc lud e the Co ll ege of Arts and cienccs and the choo ls o f Business Admin istrati on, Educa ti on , La11· and Nursing. Throughout its hi sto ry, USO has remained dedi cated to the idea ls of lib ral educati on and to recogni zing the dignit y of me n and wome n as human be ing and as crea - tures of Goel. As a Ca tho li c institution , the unil·cr·i ty is committed Lo examinati on o f the Catholi c traditi on as the basis of a cont inuing sea r ch for m an ing in contem- po rary life. USO offe rs a yea r - round ca lendar o f coltural c1·cnts, and its men 's and women 's spo rts teams compete against nati ona l opponents in 16 sports.

V) u



(lJ I





liNI\' l· R~tTY or SAN D11-:c;o 5998 Alca la Par k Sa n Di ego, Ca li i<, rni a 92 1I0-2492 (6 I 9) 260-+600 ht tp: // "\l' \l .al'Usd .edu Bu11 DINGS I. I kll·n K. and J;mw, '-1. C11 pll') I 1hr,1r_, C1min11 11.1II lo undl·r, I l,11l !\\.1111h·n.mn· Budding ,( il·nn_· Building (li·r;1porary) l..1L1l1tin, ). \ ..1n,l£!t'mt· lll '\a1,. r,·d Jk,1rt 1h11 C,1,a dl' :\k,1la Ol111l l .1II \ \,1ndw-.tlT I '

O FF1 E I Ac.i.de.mi Com u11 AcL'O~nting, 12P Admission , G I Adnii.ss1011! ' i:;il.c u, Adm· · ' " '¾ Ad tss1o n1, Undt·r ' ' 3 ncemern ~n 1 Alcohol and Drur, I Alurnni R<'lat1on~ Alu rnni Rda1iorh . I American I ltut1.1n·h AnnuaJ Fund 19 Anthropolog~ l\c-... 1 Aromas Cofre...•hou• Arts and Sarnt,..., , ASSOciat r d '>tudt.:n,1· ALhletics llin- , l~nqueu and ;i1c r ll1ology, I Book tore, 20 Bu'i iness Admin , Campus -hcdulmi.: Capital Progril.m,. arecr n itc!I I , Cashi er, 12 ' Chemi.strv 6 Child Dc~ ~lopmlnl Mant hcc.te r I ,111 Children 's Ach ot..il Communi t1on \11 Commun1t) Relo1t1, ommunit) ~ r, 1 , 1

K1::Y PHONJ · NLIJ\\Bl- H.',

General USO number

. (619) 260-4600

Admis ions Offices Undergraduate Graduate Law School Alumni Relations

260-4506 260-4524 260-4528 .. 260-48 19

Ih,: lmrnanil.ll,1 Church Bi,hop 1,·o I. ,\L1lw r ll ..111 Print \hop I rnnl ,111

Law School

14 Ii

. 260-4692

16 . 17. 10. 19. 20 . 2 1. 21 2 l.

Athl eti c


Book tore

... 260-4551

Career S n ·ices

260-4654 .... 260-4585

Continuing Education

2f . 25.

"i.ul Dima, Mtv,;iCJn, (·\) "i.111 I li111.1, 1\11,,;ion, ( B)

Educational Opportunity Program

... 260-4264


27. 2~. ]l)_ H)_ l I. 32.

'l ,lllt,1 ·\n1t.1 .\ 1i,.., 1on .-\partmt·nt-, "ian ·\ntnniu dt · l'an.1m,1 :\ p,1rtllll'llb

Financial Aid

,\l i .. ,1011 Crov.. road.., Bu ddmg

~\i,,1011 -;port, I idd

Undergraduate/ Graduate

. 260-4514

Jt·nn) Cr.1 ig P.1, ii ion (opt· n ing 1-Jll 2000)

lon•ro "it.1cl 1um

Law School

.... 260-4570

\1. IWld l lomt· H

,\l i,, ion P.1rkmg Comp l,-~

Housing Office

.... 260-4622


'-;p(irb C·mt·r

36 'it. l r.11H.. ·i , "wminan 17. Cunningham B.1-,1.:h;II )t.1dium Jt·.

Librari es

l'.1n)on... 'tpon-: l·u..· ld ,rnd \u ltha ll l)iamnml

\9 .\k,1ta \'i,ta Ap.:irt nll·nt-. 40. 1\\,md1t•., h'r l.1mil~ Chi ld Dt'\\.' lopnw lll l\·rllt.T +I. ) ,111 An1oni11 de l'ail u,1 :\p,1nnw nt:-- 42.

Copley Librar y

.... 260-4799

Jo,111 B. KnH. ln,titLJlt' lor l'"an· and Jm, tin • (ci pt• ning 200 1)

Lega l Research Center .

. .......... 260-4541

y 's

Parent Relations. Pre ident's Office . Public Relations

. .... 260-4808 . 260-4520 ... 260-4681

·d e ~a-

University Ministry .


For more information, write to the Uni versity of an Di ego, 5998 Alcala Park , San Di ego , CA 921 I 0 -2492.


s , nst






S1- R\ ' I CES


V) u





T111 P.\\T .\:-SI) I T

PI - 01'1 I·

The larges t ind i,·idua l donati on in U D hi sto ry - S25 milli on - ll'ill he used fo r the building con - struct ion and de,·e lopment o f academ ic prog rams f"or the Joan 13. Kroc In titute fo r Peace and Justice. amed fo r the dono r, a Sa n Diego philanthropi st, the inst itu te ll'il l be const ructed on the campus' Wes t Po int Fi e ld. Gro und is schedu led to be broken in Ma rch 2000 . (:) Constructi on o r a state-o f-the-art , multi -use spo rts Fa cility is ll'e ll unde r ll'J} tha nks to Sid Craig, who surpri sed hi s wife, Jen ny C raig, with a S10 milli on g ift in he r name. From the g ift , S7 m illi on wi ll be used toll'ard de,·e lopmen l o f the Je nny Cra ig Pa,·ili on , the new home o r USD 's To re ros sports teams, and S3 mi lli on w ill be used for f"uture inst ituti onal needs. (:) The Un ive r sity of San Di ego was in the nati onal spotlight Oct. 16, 1996 , when it hos ted a pres iden- tial deba te. Mo re than 1,500 medi a swarmed the campus for seve ral days leading up Lo the show- down. Promine nt po liti cians, including fo rmer Pres ident Ge ra ld Fo rd and activ ist Jesse Jackson, 1·isited U D the night o f the de bate . The campus community ralli ed to put on a fl awless prod uct ion . T he toll' n hall mee t ing be t11·een Pr sident Bi ll Clinton and Republi can nominee Bob Dol e was staged in the re furb ished Shil ey T hea tre . (!) Founde rs Hall is home to t ,rn art gall e ri es , includ - ing the recent ly cstabli , hcd DaY id 'vV May Indi an Arti facts Co llecti on . T he ex hibit in the Ame ri can Parl o r sholl'cases par t o f" the I ,600-p iece co ll ection of outhll'est Ind ian art beq ueathed to USO by the famil y of May, a form e r s tudent . Pieces on di spl ay incl ud e Southweste rn pott e ry and cerami cs , Ca li fo rni an baske try and tex ti les .

1949 Chart er g ranted.

Found ing fo rce : Mos t Re ,·. Charl es F. Buddy, fir st bishop o f .'an Di ego.

1952 San Di ego Co ll ege fo r Women o pens. Founding fo rce : Rev. Mothe r Rosa li e Hi ll , R. . CJ.


1954 The Co llege fo r Men and Schoo l of Law (known also as San Di ego Uni ve rsity) o pen.

1969 Schoo l o f Graduate and Continuing Ed uca ti on founded .

1972 Co ll eges fo r Me n and Women and Schoo l o f Law merge to fo rm the Uni,·e rsity of San D iego. Uniting force : Autho r E. Hughes, fi rst pres ident o f t he merged uniYers ity.

1972 Schoo ls o f Business Admini strati on and Educa t ion found ed.

1974 Hahn School of Nursing and Hea lth Scie nce fo und ed.





\J LI .\\ Ill' R ( l.111 I 999 d,1tJ I

LI NDJ· l{(;Jl.\l)LL\TI- M .-\JURS

t\ ccountanc_:· ; Anthropo logy; Art; Bio logy; Busin ess

Tota l fa cu lt l" Fu ll -ti me Pa rt - lime

607 .. 294 313

Admini strati o n ; Busin ess Economics; Chemi stry ; Communi ca ti on Studies; Co;11pute r Science; 1Ji1-c r sifi ecl Libe ra l Arts ; Econom ics; Elec tri ca l Eng ineL-r ing; Eng li sh ; French ; Hi span ic / Latin American Studi es; Hi sto r_:·; Industr ia l and Systems Eng ineeri ng ; Inte rcli sc ipli1iary I Iuman it ies; Int e rnati o nal Re lations; Mar ine Science; J\ lathemat ics; Mus ic; :'-/ ur sing; Ocean Stud ies; Phil oso phy; Phys ics; Po liti ca l Science; Psycholog)"; Reli g io us Stud ies; Soc io lug_:·; Spani sh ; Urban St udi es. Bus iness Admi ni stration; Coun se ling ; C urr iculum and Instruct ion; Educat io na l Leade r ship ; Fin e Arts in Dramatic Arts; H ist o ry ; Inte rnati o na l Business; In ternationa l Re lati ons; Mari ne Science; Marriage, Fam il .:· and Chi ld Counse ling; Nur sing; Past o ra l Ca re and Cou nse ling ; Prac ti ca l T heo log_:·; Spec ial Ed ucat ion ; Teach ing.


] · LI I I -Tl.\\ I·. F_,_ c U I TY BY R,\ N K

Professors Assoc iate Prol"csso r s :\ ssista nt Professors In s truc to r s .

. 142 .. 9 1 .52 .....9

F.\CU I TY BY Sc 11 001 Co ll ege o f Arts and Sciences Schoo l o f Business Admini stra ti on Schoo l o f Educa ti on Schoo l or La11· I Iahn Schoo l o f N ur sing and Hea lth Sc ience

I ull time 156 62 19 47

i'art tinw

MASTlcll \ PROGllr\MS

179 36 36 52



Docnm.\1 P1zoGRA~1s Educati o na l Leade rship ; Nu r si ng Science.

LA\\' PROGRA .\\ S

Ju ri s Docto r ; Master o f Laws -Genera l; Maste r o f Laws in lntc- rnati o na l Law ; J\ las t e r or Laws in Taxation; J\ lastn of Comparat i1-c Law; Joi nt 1\l as t C' r deg ree prog rams in Business Adm ini s trati on; Inte rnati o na l Bus in ess and Int e rnatio nal Re lati ons; Dip lo ma in Taxat ion.

SPI· CIA I PRO(.;l lc\ .~ I S

Fo re ign Stud,· in Oxfo rd, Eno lancl; Flo re nce , ltah-; Aix-e';,-Pro,·~ncc To ul on A,-%,non France·· Tolc;lo • ' ' 1::- ' ' ' Spain; Fre iburg, Gc rn1any; Nago_:·a, To kyo, Japan.

Summer Prog ram in Guadalajara, J\llcx ico.

"ia ,·y, Ar my and Air Fo rce Rescn ·e Office rs' Train ing Co rps Program; Fres hman Prccepto rial Prog ram; I lo no r s Program; La11·_:·e r 's Assis tant Prog ram ( Para lega l).

.r ::J





TUI T I ON II••·•·•'""'

U ND l · l (G R ADLl t\T I,

I to 13. 5 units 14 to 17 units l + to l 7 units .

S6 15 pe r unit S8 ,890 per semeste r . S 17, 780 per yea r

GRAl) ll t\T E

Master Docto rate

.S630 pe r unit .. S64 5 pe r unit

Sc1-1001. oF LAw J. I } stude nts Full - ti me, day

EN 1-z o L L.vl I· N T , , "' 1•1•1•1 IH, ll lll,J

SI I ,065 pe r semes ter S7,8S5 pe r semes te r . S 770 pe r unit

Undc rg rad uatc Graduate and Pro fe ss iona l

. 4,623 2,235

Fu ll- ti me, e1·e ning Graduate prog ram .

To tal e nro llment

.. 6,858

RooM AND BOA R D Sc,·e ral p lans a,·ailabl c

S2.865 -S4,7 l 5 pe r semeste r


ToT,11 cosT

A,·e rage annual cost fo r a res id ent stud ent

. I , 11 8 463 374

Sc hoo l o r La"" Schoo l o r Ed uca ti on . Schoo l o r 13usin css Admini strat io n Hahn Schoo l o r Nm sing and Hea lth Sc ience Co llege o r Arts and Sc ie nces Spec ial Tota l

S26, I 0 3

11 8 143 19

ST UDl· N T Fl NANC l.\l A ID 1,,,.,, ,,,, 10\1\/

Studen t s rece iving hnancia l aid

.4, 73 7 S86.8 m illi on S29 .3 mi lli on S49.8 mi lli on S7.7 m illi on .. 3, 41 6

Tota l do ll ars a11·ard ed lln i,·e rsity co ntr ibuted Gove rnm ent spo nso red Pr ivate !~ sponso red Studen ts rece i, ·ing scho la rships o r g1·ants Studen ts uni,·c rsity-cmpl oyed du r ing acad em ic yea r

...... 2,235

STUIJl·. N T I N H)R .\IATION ,, Ill

1 •t•l'I I ll , l l RJ , )

Men VVomen . Inte rnati o nal stude nts

. 3,040 . . 3,8 I 8 374 60 . 87 . . 1,726

.. 1,5 01

Number or countri es re present ed

Unde rg raduate student clubs and o rgan iza ti ons .. Deg rees a\\"arded ( 1998) .

16 : I 65%

Stude nt - Faculty cl ass room 1·at io . Roman Catho li c (unde rg raduate)

{/) u



J l



U) I)

Fr N. \ :-,./ CIAI 01'1- R .\T! Oi" S

The Uni,T rsit ,. of' San Di ego is accred ited by the West rn Asso~iation of Schoo ls and Co ll eges.


Ren :nues

( \Ill I It 1:,..,1

l'r tOCR \ ,\l :\ c cru-nrTATIONS I NCi llDI· :

Tuition and fees Saks and sen- ices o f' auxiliar)· en te rpri ses

S106 S20 S14 S I+O

School of Business :ldminislrac ,on American Assembly o f' Co ll eg iate Schoo ls of Business . Elect ri ca l Eng inee ring, Accredita ti o n Board for Eng inee ring and Techn ology. School ef Education Author ized b)· the Commission of Teache r Credenti a li ng ol' the State of Ca lifornia to recommend candidates for: the Mu ltiple Sub ject and Sing le Subj ect Teaching Credentials; the Bilingual Specia li st and the Speciali st in Special Education Credentia ls; and the Admini strative Sen- ices, Pupil, Personne l Se n ·icc and Commun ity Counse lo r C red ential s . Ame ri can Assoc iati o n l'o r Marr iage and Fami ly The rapy.

Other sources To tal reYcnues

ExpcnditutTs and transf'crs Educat io n and genc-ral Auxiliary ent e rpri ses J\ landaton· tran sl'l'r s l'or d ebt scn ·icc

107 S 16

and mat c hing g rant s; non mandatory transfers and o perating surplus

S 17 S 140

Total ex penditure, and tran, lc 1-s

GI rT Su PP<>RT 11,,,,s 1- ,,,., 11\ 1 , l t lli , 1 ,u,-.. , 11 11, (. Al ,1 ,1\)

To tal g ifts from alumni , pare nts, friend s , co rpora ti ons and foundations

S 11 milli on S3 .6 milli o n 7,784

School vf Lall' American Bar Association. Association ol' American La\\' Schoo ls. /-la/in School ef ,\'ursin9 and 1-lea lrh Sc ience Commiss ion o n Co lleg iate Nursing Educa ti o n .

Annual Fund g ifts Number of donors

V, u

'2 C.J




U'i D

1•• 1•.


~ tHLet1cs ·I') ,1", ~•!'.'• ,Y I ' ',. ,' '• 1,f::11,• ''.' • t', , : ,, ,

. 'I ,,[ ' •

!'l\ ,, ' . I,'






I' '


The 1998-99 USD athle ti c season ,vas highli ghted by juni o r wome n 's tenni s pl ave r Z uzana Lcscnaro, ·a be ing cro\\ ·ncd the 1999 NCAA \Vomen'sTennis Sing les Champ ion. She also won the f-ir st two

L lTR OUFG!ATF ATI I LET I CS Scho larship and non-scho larship sports both play an impo rtant ro le in USO ' day- to-day campus life, enhanced by outstanding outdoo r oppo rtuniti es and exce ll ent campus fa cili t ies . Men 's basketball , baseball , soccer, tenni s, go lf and cross coun try teams compete at the Divis ion I leve l and be long to the West Coast Confer- ence. Men 's Tew omp tes as an independent. The football team is in its seventh season at the NCAA Di,;sion I-AA level in the Pionee r Foo tball League .


1 ~

legs or the IT.A Co ll egiate Grand Slam \\·it.h " ·ins at the C lav Cou rts and All - Amer ica n. Thl.' women\ tenni s team ach-anccd

lo the NCA .'\ s for the fi rth st ra ight )'Ca r. The fa ll season \\·as capped by women 's ,·o ll eyball " inn ing the \Vest Coast Confe rence ti tle for the second conscc~t in~:·car, and then ach·ancing to the i\CAA second ro und . /v!en 's socce r placed li rst in the WCC and also ac h-a nccd to the NCAA second ro und. Bo th cross coun t ry teams pl aced second in the WCC Championships . Dur ing tl1L' \\' int e r Sl'aso n , men \ basketball \\·cnt 18 -9, placed second in the \VCC and sa\\' coach Brad Ho ll and c' arn \VCC Coach o r the Yea r. S" ·irnmi ng and d iYing placed second at the PC C Championshi ps und e r hrst -:·car coach i\like Kcc· le r. In add ition to the succc·ss o f \\'omen 's tenn is in the spri ng, t.hc so ftba ll tc•am set a sc hoo l record for \\' ins with ++. The base ba ll team, und e r hrst-:·ea r coach Rich Hill , finishl'd " ·ith a \\·inn ing reco rd .

Women 's basketba ll , cross country, Lenni s , vo ll eyball , soc e r and cre\\· teams compete at the Divi sion I leve l as members of the West Coast Confe rence . The women'· s" ·imming and d i,·ing team is a membe r o f the Pacifi c Co ll eg iat e Swi m Co nfe rence and the softba ll team competes in the Wes t rn lnte rco ll egiat Softball League, wh ich is made up o r wee member s who spon o r so ftba ll teams. Schola rshi ps are ava il abl e in men 's bas ketball , baseba ll , socce r, tenni s , go lf and cro s count ry, and women's basketball , swimming , tenni s, voll eyball , socce r, soft ball and cross coun t ry. i N TR \ .\\URA ! ~ T he LI D int ramura l prog ram is an integral part o f student life on campus. Last year more than two- thirds of the un ive rsity community - including gr aduate and underg raduate students, fa culty and staff - parti cipated in at least one of the many activiti es o ffered. Leagues, tournaments and special events include Aag foo tball , tenni s, vo ll eyball , basketball , softba ll , go lf, inne r tube water po lo , 0oor hock y, bowl ing and other compe ti t ions. In addi tion, USO students and emp loyees ·an parti ci- pate in a va ri ety o f outdoor ac ti vit ie · spon o red by O utdoor Adventure . kiing, rafting, rock cl imbing, horseback riding, mountain biking and hiking are some o f the acti ,·iLi es o ffe red.

T, . \ .\I Rl · CO [U)~ .,,,4> ' '"'

Wins Losses Ti cs

Foo tba ll


8 9 6 6

0 0

1\ \en 's socce r

12 12 2+


\ Vomen's socce r

\\ 'omen \ nJlled,a ll \ Von1en 's S\\·in1111ing

0 0 0 0 0 0



18 I+

Men 's baske tball


I 3 10 11 27 2 1

\\/omc' n 's basketba ll

Men 's tenn is


\Vomen's tenni s

14 28 ++


lhseb.i ll Softba ll


Team name To rcros (bullhghte rs)

Co lo rs: Co lumbi a blue, na,·: blue and "'hit e

Chi ef confe rence ri,·a ls : Pcp1Jl' rdi 1 l' Uni,·e rsity; Lo:·o la Marymount Un i,·e rsit:·; Santa Cla ra Llni,-crs it:·; Un i,-c rsit,· or San Francisco

.r. =>





FouNDF Jts G.-\ LLl · RY Frequent ex hib iti ons by guest , community, studen t and alumni arti sts arc di spl ayed in thi s ga ll e ry loca ted in Founders Hall. Rece nt exhibit s includ ed "Meditati ons on the Bea ut: · o r Ag ing," an ex hib it o f the " ·orks o f contempora r:· arti st He len Redman, and "Alca la Park: From the Gro und Lip ," a hi sto ri ca l co llecti on of pho tos, yea rbooks and blueprints rrom USD 's fir st 50 yea rs. A comprchensi,·e music prog ram inc ludes regu lar pe r fo rmances by the USO Communit y Cho ir, the O pe ra Wo rkshop and the Cho ral Scho lars sho" · cho ir. The prog ram also presents rrcqucnt recita ls by fa cult y and st ude nts, and pe rfo rmances o r ,·isiting arti sts. T1 I !· AT~ It USD 's Eng li sh de partment, in conjuncti on with an Di ego's O ld G lobe Theatre, o ffe rs a Mas te r 's in Fine Arts in Dramati c Arts p rog ram, d rawing se lec t stud ents r·rom across the nat ion " ·ho parti cipate in practi ca l thea te r ,rnrk as " ·e ll as acad emi c studi es in the Eng lish department. 1\II. F.A . and unde rg raduate tJ1ea te r art s stude nts stage campus producti ons regu larly. Mu~1c

U N l \' l · l tSITY M I N I STl tY Prog rams and se n ·iccs o llc rcd by the O ffi ce o f

Uni n ,rs ity Min istry arc o pen to stud ents and staff o f all re lig ious tradit ions. Student re treats to o ff-campus sites arc popu lar, as are spec ial Masses he ld to ce lebrate

c,·ents such as the opening o l· the semeste r, Thanksg i,·ing Dav and Black Hi sto ry Month.

SPl·.. \K l · RS

Distingui shed speakers ro utine ly appea r on campus, contTibuting to USD 's cul tural and inte llec- tual di,·crs ity. Anita Hi ll , a nat ional spokeswoman fo r women 's rights in the wo rkplace , fo rmer Costa Ri can pres ident and Nobe l Peace Pri ze winne r Osca r Ari as, and autJ1o r Amy Tan arc just a k w o f those " ·ho ha,-c Yisited in recent yea rs.

·.r :::,





In tl1e sp iri t o f the un i,·c rsity's miss ion, the Divi sion o f Cont inui ng Educa ti on is committed to academi c exce l- lence and the ad,·anccmc nt o f know ledge . The di vision o ffe rs non-deg ree, ex tended stud ies courses to the San Di euo community. The co urses fa ll into one of four proiram areas, whi ch in c lud e : CoNJ-J-1{ 1- NCloS The Doug las F. Manches te r Exccuti,·e Confe rence Cente r is a trai ning and ed uca ti on hub fo r pro fess iona l orowth ca reer de,·clopmcnt and pe rsonal enrichment. The cOJ'.Cc rcnce cente r fac iliti es arc a1·ailable for profes- siona l t raini ng , ll'Orksho ps and conlc rcnces . The cl il'i sion 's ed uca ti on prog rams fu lfi ll rc9uircments fo r teachers to meet pro fess ional g rowth, credenti al renewa l and sa lary ach-anccmcnt needs. Classes arc offe red U1 rouohout Ca li fo rni a as lecture se r ies, summer insti tutes, 11·o~kshops, cer ti fica te and specifi c credenti al cou rses . T h~ Int e rn ati onal Ce nte r fo r Characte r Ed ucat ion opened in Fall I998 . t:DUC. \TION PROGIU~IS T he USD Di Yision o f Continuing Educati on provides a profess iona l and lea rning c 111·ironmcn t whe re parti ci- pants ca n dc ,·cl op business and commun icati on skill s . Classes arc schedu led to bes t scn ·c ll'Orking profess ion - als and boast fac ulty d rawn from executi Yes, consultants and Schoo l of Businc s Admini strat ion p ro fesso rs . Programs incl ude the Famil v Business Institu te, Cc r~ificate in Internati onal Business, Ce rtifi cate in Event Management and Compc titi,·c Skill fo r Small Business prog ram , sponso red by the State o f Ca lifo rni a . B ustNI-.SS .\ND PllOl'l: SS IONA I Pl{OGRAMS

When schoo l's no t in sess ion and stud ents mo,·c away lo r the summe r, the USD campus comes ali ve with confe rences and summe r camps. The Res identi al Confe rence Prog ram ma kes classroom ·, reside nce ha ll s and di n ing sen ·iccs aYa il abl e fo r rental to g roups " ·ith an educa ti ona l foc us. From June through August , be tween 6,000 and 7,000 people come to Alca la Park fo r meeti ngs and confe rences. USD o ffers a " ·ide ra nge o f mee ting fac iliti es , inc luding a 700-seat thea te r, class rooms, confe rence rooms, pati os, co ur tya rds and ga rd ens . Acco , 1 .,1 O D,\TI ON s Res iclcnc hall s (a lso ca ll ed dor mit o ri es) and apa r tmen ts arc open to groups that stay from one night to six weeks. T he fo ur c:ampus ho using locations fo r summer gues ts arc Camino and Founders Hall s, Mahe r Hall , San D imas 1vli ss ions and t he Alca la Vista Apa rtments. Bed and ba th linens arc prm·idccl . DINING Summe r res idents arc se r ved three mea ls a clay in the Hahn Uni,·c r sity Cente r din ing room , whi ch inc lud es ind oo r and outdoo r cl ini,w. Monday th rough Fridav the Ma rke tpl ace and De li : re open' for sandwiches~ ice cream, be,·e rages and snacks. The campus co ffee house, Aromas, is also o pen Mond ay through Frid ay. Cate ri ng sc n ·ices arc a1·ail ab lc th rough the un i,·e rsi ty 's Ban9ue ts and Cater ing Department. Ml · !·TINGS

Gl- N l'RAL PROGR1\ ,\lS / L 1-. CTURI ·. St-RIES

T hese inno,·ati vc courses and lectu res incl ude erluca ti onal opportuniti es fo r se ni o rs and the gene ral community.

Directo r of the Di,·ision of Cont inuing Ed uca ti o n Manager o f Bus iness and Prol'cssiona l Prog rams Manage r of Educati on Prog rams Manage r of Inte r nat iona l Center for Characte r Educat io n Fo r mo re in lo rmati on

Mal Rafferty

Jod i Wate rhouse Renni e Bl ock

Ka thi Spittc l (6 19) 260-4623 summc r@ sa .ac usd .ccl u

Directo r of Summe r Confe rences


Jeann e Heaphy (6 19) 260 -4585

Fo r mo re in fo rmati on





BoaRD of T Rustees :.. • • - I

C l--1 .\ll{ 0 1· TI il · 130.\Rl)

Joanne C. Warren C11U' ll·,.1Ja

V ici- C HAIR 0 1· TJI l- BOARD

John D. Bovee Rctm:J 1:J,mmu ,mJ /l~) l1ll'S,m(Jn

SI- C IU·TARY 0 1· T HI · BO.\Rl)

William D. Jones ' 0 Pu:s ,JL·nt. CU) anJ nm·,ror. Cu} I ink lnh'SlmL·nt ( orpor1111on

A. Eugene Trepte PrcS1dc111, J;t·pic lnrcst ml·nr Compe1n) Yo landa Walther-Meade C111c Lt-aJl'T Wi lli am J. Z ures Prcs,Jcm. The .lures Companies

Frank D. Aless io /111,: ~wr Ro be rt H. Bake r PrcnJ1..·nt. lloh /l(Jkcr huL' lf1lBL'S Inc Manuel Barba, 1VI.D. R. Donna M. Baytop, M.D. \lcJmil nirc:. ror. .\ olur lurhmcs. Inc. Roy E. "Gene" Be ll PrL·,,Jcm CJml CJ; (), Uni on lnhunc Puhlhhm9 Compm~1 All e n J. Blackmore Prc.,1dcn1, The Bluckmort· Cump1.m) The Mos t Rev. Robe rt H. Brom 8,shop ,?f1hc n, on'H" '!f Surr D1c90 Sandra A. Brue Pu:mll·m ,mJ Cl:.O. .\ ,md1rn1r Inc. Ka thryn S. o lac hi s Cl,{llrm"n onJ CH>. The C1.1. luch1 f Comp.ir11c1 Dani e l W. De rbes PrcsiJ,·nr, \'19n11I ICnwrci Re,·. Monsinor Wil li am l:. Elliot t Rt·1,rcJ Postor, 011r Iad_,, of Rl'{ugc A.1nsh An ita V. Figue redo, M.D. Kim Fle tche r

Robe rt Hoehn 011 ncr, / ludm I lo11do Patri cia M. Howe Ch1.11rm1m , f /..\ . /·1nt1n(lt1/ .\en ,en·. Inc. Sisler Kathleen Hughes, R. S. c.J. PronnL· ,11/, .\ l)( it't} '!f the Sacrc:J I/cart Pe te r J. Hughes . ltrorm.'} · at - / 1111 Mi chae l 13 . Kapl an '72 U.D. ) Ou ncr, . I RJ..::I Propaut·s (;roup Margo t Kye! Sc111orl 'P t111J C l(), .\cmpra l:.ncrB) I urr19w: ,llul11mc,ha \1 ~rem~. Im· Doug las F. Mancheste r Cht11rm11n of 1hl· BoarJ, lfonchcsrc,' Rc'>Urlf Li am E. McGee '76 Prcs1drn1, Runk of . lmcr,c..i () ou1hun Ct1l1{orn1t1) Siste r Ger trude Patch , R.S. C. J. Re,·. Monsignor Lawrence Purce ll l'

Susa n Spanos Commun//)' 10/untccr He rbe rt B. Tasker I ,a Chu,rm,m t1nJ .llanu9m9 D1rcrwr, Ccnm· C..1p11al Mi chae l T. Tho rsnes '68 (J.D.) . luornc1. Thorsn.:s Bart olotta 1/cC,um: 11nJ Pt1j1JJ.i

TRUSTI- FS E.\ll · l{lTl Thomas E. Barge r t Dee Baugh Rev. Mo nsig no r Robe rt T. Campion H . John Cashin t James W. Co lach is t Jenny G. Craig Sisler Frances Danz, R.S.c.J. t Marga re t R. Dufloc k Re, ·. Mo nsionor I. Brent Ggen t Walte r Fitch Ill Robert T. Ca llahan t

J. Ph ilip Gill igan Char les M. Grace Ernest W. Hahn t Bruce R. Hazard Arthur H. Kap lan t Edmund L. Keeney, M. D. The Most Rev. Leo T. Maher t James J. McMo rrow t

Geo rge M. Pa rdee Le land S. Pruss ia W illi am K. Wa rren t Ri chard P. Wo ltman Walte r J. Zab le

Ro nald L. Fowl e r Prcs1Jrn1am/ (1.0. I 1qu1J lmt' 5lmt·nt:, , Inc. Alice B. Hayes Pro,Jrnt. lln11c.·rs//} cf S1111 l>h'90

ATTO llNI-Y H) ll Till· J30AR D Jos iah L. Neeper

P1u-s1Df-NT EJ\ 11c.1uTus

Author E. Hughes

.,.. :::,

t Deceased

2 1





A, u .,1 N 1 Assoc1.n10N Each pe rson who rece ives a degree from the Uni,·e rsity of San Diego e nj oys full membe rship pri,·il eges in the USD Alumni Associati on. The association's purpose is to invo h-e alumni in the ed uca ti onal , social and financial aspects o f the uni,·e rsity.


An est imated three-quarters of unde rg raduate s tude nts parti ci pat e in ,·oluntcer community sen ·ice at leas t once during their USO yea rs . In addit ion, Associated Stud ents sponsors 14 ongo ing proj ects, including the Urban Plunge and the Linda Vis!a Kids proj ect, " ·hicl1 o ffe rs afte r -schoo l prog rams fo r e lementary schoo lchildren . BusinessLink USO, the unive rsity's co rporate affil iat ion program, regul arly brings nati ona l busin ess leade rs to campus to address membe rs o f San Di ego's co rpo rat e community. Past speake rs haYe included am Donaldson, anchor of ABC's "Prime T ime Live," and Ne il Austrian, presiden t o f the Na ti onal Football League. Th e Schoo l o f Educa ti on places stude nt teache rs in c lassrooms throughout the city, with a strong emphasis on two schoo ls in a di sad ,·antaged area nea r campus . Graduate s tu c-le nts compl e ting marri age, fami ly and c hild counse ling rec1uireme nts pro,·ick- counse ling th rough supc rl'i sed clini ca l internships in a Yarietv o f county se ttings, including Sa n Di ego militar:· has~s. Busr Fss

To tal lil'ing alumni States with the mos t alumni : Ca liforni a Washington . Arizona Co lorado Texas

35,4 58

Mo1u- T11A

25,692 78 1

780 718 6 12 557 446

Ne ,·ada Virginia

Alumni Office (6 19)260 -48 19

Guadalupe Hall 20 I,


Directo r o f Alumni Re lati ons

John Trifil etti '78

Assistant Directo r of Alumni Re lations, Vo luntee r Deve lopment Assistant Director of Alumni Relati ons, Even ts and Publications Nico le R. Matthews Alumni Association Presiden t , 1999. JenniJcr Wilson '83, '86 Law choo l Alumni Office Warren Hall 11 2, (6 19)260 -4692 Assistant Dean fo r De,·e lo1me nt and External Relations Elinbetl, Harrington Law Alumni Association President, I999. . . Sok eig Store Deuprey '78 Erin C. Foley

EcuJ\tl · NlCA I

There arc 26 re ligious working on USD 's camp us. They hold a var iety of pos iti ons in admini strati on and teaching. Thirteen arc wome n re li g ious, 12 arc pri es ts and one is a Franciscan b ro tl,c r.

Ar A, Ui\l , Bo.\lu) R1 · P IUSFNT.\Tl\·1- s

R1- G10

M \JOil C 11 0 1cF:,,

Mi chae l Seymour '88 Joseph LaMantia Ill '86 Kri stin Boettg r '89 Ke lly Krcis le ' 97

Lo Ange les Arizona San Francisco Orange County

The IO most popu lar majors arc business admini s- trat ion, political science / inte rnati onal re lations, commun icati on studi es, accountancv, cli,·c rs ifi cd libe ral art s, Eng li sh , Spanish, soc ial gy, hi s~o ry and bi o logy. \ Vo 1z K n I r c More than I , 175 students \\'Ork part time at USI and 55 5 arc in the federal gove rnment 's Wo rk Study Prog ram, "'hich all o\\'s st ude nts lo cam money to pa~· fo r ed ucat iona l expenses.

Su100L ALu .,1 N 1 Bo,\RD R1- Pn.1 -s1-NT.\T1u- s Hahn School o f Nursing and Hea lth Science Schoo l of Business Admini stration . Schoo l o f Law

. Nancy Saks '84, '98 Paul Johnson '88,'92 Da,·id Dan ie lsen '77



iJp niversily of &n Die50 hlic Relations Office 5998 Alcala Park Diego, CA 92110-2492 (619) 260-4681 tp: // www.acusd.edu

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